Monday, November 28, 2011


Currently Playing Vessel: this game is amazing
The physics are a little buggy, but the overall game is really cool. I like experimenting with things and solving all the puzzles. Puzzle Platformers are possibly the newest thing, why I say this, because it gives you a LOT more satisfaction to solve a puzzle. Also there is a lot less convayance problems, the only issue I have is the 5 second scene you may get after solving a puzzle, yeah, I get it, I solved it.
Overall, get this game, I got it for cheap but I'd pay full price.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Dang it's been a while.

Btw, that tends to be the major theme of my blog posts when I have a blog. I never actually get around to working on it.

Back at school again, tired and a wee bit depressed, but otherwise I'm doing ok. Found a interesting website to 'win' games that I will never win. . I should send my sis an invite as she actually has a steam account. If anyone finds this and has a steam account and wants to try for free games, just bother me somehow. The site is legit, for now, according to steam, they are being careful with it and you should be too.

In the meantime, Dungeons of Dreadmor has completely taken over my gaming life while I am dodging homework or not watching game videos or movies. It's a cute cheap game that's essentially a dungeon crawler with some interesting add ons. my easy not-perma-deathing (have to start somewhere) character is almost max level (maybe?) and someday I will reach the bottom, or wherever I'm supposed to be getting. A lot of the game is kinda grindy, but it never stops being fun. OH GOD MONSTER ZOO, TALK LATER

Sunday, January 30, 2011

More poetry as I stall in my video making

I have discovered of course, once again, that I am terrible on camera and instead of trying to fix this, I am currently stalling for time, which I have plenty of. In the meantime, have an advance look into one of my videos.

1:58 am on a Friday eve, I write this poem but don't hide it up my sleeve.
It may make no sense, and have no plot, I will tag no one, for getting readers, I care not.
All I know is that it's Friday night, and I have nothing to do, no way of flight.

The river

A peaceful river flows,
in a valley where no one goes,
time passes but can't be found,
a bird chirps without a sound.

I shall go to this river and watch it dance,
think about some sweet romance,
I'll realize that I've left it all,
in the forest dark and tall.

I tell myself that this will pass,
and truer things will gather en masse,
I watch this valley in repose,
and try to make some flowers grow.


Waves crash, lines blur
night falls, I (have) mirth

Stars shine, moons gleam
voices laugh, you beam

lights blind, clouds shove
gulls fly, we love


Deja vu

Deja vu,
dreaming true?
Knowing future,
the future's you.

I lie awake,
I see the stakes.
Thinking forward,
What am I heading toward?

There's a way,
to save today.
But I can't go on,
without your song.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome back me!

Wow. It has been a long long time!

Way too long!

Anyway . this blog really will be to update you on the fact that I am doing some very interesting things.

For instance, school. whooo hoo...
Yes it's that time again, time for that sort of fun thing that takes up most of my life besides work.

Either way, school has brought me much awesomeness.

Well, it's not exactly my school but stay tuned for story videos that will show and tell you some strange happenings in my life.

In the meantime, Let's talk about insomnia.

I like many college goers suffer from a mild insomnia and an inability to go to bed before 12. It sucks. Especially mornings. Now I'm not TOO old but not too many people can sleep for 2-3 hours before a long day. So basically my schedule is now beating insomnia for me... Hopefully?

Anyway, I have a reason for telling you this because in addition to videos you will start receiving new content on this blog far more often. Why? Because I have a schedule now and schedules have room for extras especially extras like silly blogs.

So herehave some poetry, on the house. We shall talk again soon.

leave the words unspoken, or say the words today. 
the fantasy can be broken, there's always a price to pay. 
It's like a guilded token, and I have no other way, 
but now I must let you be awoken, let the cards lie where they may. 

A light that blinds, and words that numb. 
A chill that binds, and loving songs that are sung. 
It builds my heart, and builds my soul, 
the shinging crescendo at the end of tattered wool.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"It's Kind of a funny story"

Hey Blogites, just today I saw a movie with my family and after 2 weeks of not updating, I thought that to try to get back in the swing of things I would blog about this pretty good movie.

So basically it's about a guy who checks himself into a mental ward, and meets people, and discovers stuff about himself in the process. Pretty interesting idea for a movie, and it goes actually really well. Honestly, I'm the type of reviewer who can't say much about a movie without giving it away, and this movie is TOO good to even try to talk much about it. 

But really, my reaction: I enjoyed it, but as all good movies with a romantic subplot (omg, romantic subplot!? YOU GAVE IT AWAY! ok seriously, very few movies DON'T have a romantic sideplot), it made me kinda sad at the ending. I hate to admit it, but I'm a hopeless romantic, and even more hopelessly single with an unsure ending in sight. I have crushes and possible leads but honestly it's tough.

From movies to myself, eh, blogs do that anyway, deal:
I'm Jewish (insert 5001 jokes about jews, hitler, etc, I've gotten them all and I don't really care), and the tough part about my Jewishness is that my family is Orthodox. Now, people don't really know what this means besides cliches, well let me tell you how my romantic life is stemmed and you can decide.
  1. The MOST important, I have to marry a Jew. Not an option. This means that the dating pool is closed down to 2% or something. We may seem everywhere, but really, there's not that many of us and we're spread out.
  2. Because I have to marry jewish, I obviously "Can't date a nonjew", not that it hasn't stopped me before, but I'm tired of the heartbreaks and etc, and I guess I'm looking for Ms. Right, or however you spell it. 
  3. Because I'm looking for Ms. Right, shit is tough. 

Tl;dr: Shit's tough.

Anyway, for talking about a movie, this post got pretty personal. Ah well, so be it. Hope you guys don't mind introspective rather than extrospective (who cares if that isn't a word.)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The first of many critiques: Professor Layton

Maybe it's because I finally finished the third game the other day, maybe because I saw an ad for the game on tv today (which, the ads are, in my opinion, a bit odd,) maybe it's because I know I have very little else to talk about once I am in love with a certain thing, be it a phrase, a game or a tv show.

Either way, today is all about Layton.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village was released about two years ago, and it was received at first a bit confusedly, but then it was loved. Combining adventure and 'brain-training' in the form of puzzles that could be found in the environment or dispensed by the characters, the game was the first of it's kind to present logic with a story. The story is deep in a sense that it draws you in with it's characters, and then all the sudden presents a serious problem within the first few minutes. The game has a great way of keeping you guessing, presenting new information and plot-puzzles that make you need to know what's going to happen.

I played this game only this year, so yes, I am a bit behind the times, but it was amazing and I enjoyed it very much, enough to get the second game and the third as well when it came out in America. While some of the plot points are similar, the presentation is amazing and the journey even more so.

There are some negatives, however, it's hard to tell where all the puzzles and hint coins are, where hint coins allow you to buy a hint that can range from puzzle-solving to needless information. Some of the puzzles will show up at a special place, but some hint coins are lost to you forever during a play through. the majority of puzzles are however not too hard to find, and the game gets you used to looking in esoteric areas for both puzzles and coins.

What I always find funny about the games is the 'puzzle-lock' that tends to show up, or an interruption to get one more good puzzle in during a cut scene. It makes sense because the world is puzzle based, at least towards the main characters. Probably this is because Layton is renowned for his puzzle solving rather than his true profession which is archaeology.

Anyway, if you haven't gotten into these games, I strongly suggest you do, the plots are fun, the puzzles range from easy to difficult as hell, which is perfect for this kind of game, and even though the re-playability is virtually non-existent, it's still a great experience to play through.

Last thing, to those who didn't read the white text in the last post and were indeed expecting porn well...

You should probably look closer next time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dat first post

Ahoy there internet surfers and avast and all that good junk. Welcome to Ridiculousness and chicanery, the blog where I talk about stuff that may or may not matter to you.

Post 1 is alll about well...
me. the blogger.

I know, I know, exciting and critical stuff right? If you're new and actually reading the archives, you can skip this one, it's pointless, no seriously...

I'm waiting....

Are they gone?


Now that that's done and gone with, let's talk about bloggery and stuff.

I started this blog for not so very great purposes, but because I am so dedicated to providing the internets with wholesome (cough) material and having a proper blog, I am deciding to post consistently about life, gaming, and other weird stuff I find pertinent.  That's really about it, I  mean, I could go all into my life right now and talk about how I'm a 22 year old who goes to some college somewhere and has unrealistic adventures that actually happen...

Or I could actually get to my homework and write an entire 4-6 minute informational speech about ham. Honestly I don't know what I'm going to talk about and it's due on Monday and I'm probably going to be going ON Monday, so I should probably get to that... sometime. Oh and pick up my car from a side street.

Yeah, so as you can see, I kinda ramble a bit, but that's because first posts ANYWHERE suck. If I deliver quality material now you'll all be thinking 'wow, that blogger over there, he was good, but now he just... ugh.' So, now I can aim higher in each subsequent post, mwahahah.

That said, the next post is about Porn.

Totally joking of course, you fool.